Friday, May 11, 2012

Team I - The Buisiness

Main Design Concept

Detection and firing at moving targets has been a topic of great interest right from the time of World War II. This majorly came in the form of anti aircraft guns used to detect enemy aircrafts, predict their future position (or follow the aircraft) and fire accordingly. The challenge faced by us this semester is similar to this. We had to build a robot which shoots at static and dynamic targets. The robot is to fire Nerf balls at retro-reflective targets at a certain distance away. For the static target test, it is required to fire at single static targets randomly located in the plane and limits of the target bed. The dynamic state of the target consists of linear motion in the horizontal direction with deceleration and acceleration at the turn around points. Testing in this mode required us to fire at one moving and two static targets per round, and 4 such rounds in total.

The design requirements for this project are many fold. The robot is not to exceed dimensions of 2’x2’x2’. The power supply is supposed to be a dedicated one and the robot is not to rely on any sort of bench supply for power. The Nerf balls are to be dumped into the system, and not placed strategically. The design is to be expected to track the targets actively. The design, fabrication and testing of the robot is to be done in $350 which is refundable. The robot is required to be really safe to operate and is to be aesthetic in appearance. No laptop support for the final test is allowed. 

 Description of Subsystems

In designing our robot the majority of our major decisions were governed by a desire to make the precision of firing as high as possible.  This took precedence over other qualities, such as speed and firing power, and in some cases ease of manufacture.  This effort had great influence on our decisions in designing our firing mechanism, depicted in figure 1.  The firing mechanism employs a unique approach in which the ball is "kicked" by a piece of spring steel which has been bent back.  The idea was that if the spring was latched in to place by a physical reference before it was allowed to swing forward, it would hold a very repeatable amount of energy, and hit the ball in a very consistent way.  We also discussed the two other popular ways to propel the ball, pneumatically and with a flywheel, and decided that both of these approaches would impart a less constant amount of energy to the ball, because they will depend on exactly how fast the wheels are spinning (which is either dependent on the control feedback or fluctuations in the power supply) or the current pressure in the air line.  Another positive quality of the kicking approach is the fact that it introduced zero non internal friction to the system.  We didn't avoid friction because it is inefficient, we avoided friction because it introduces randomness.  We didn't have to rely on the seal between the ball and a barrel being identical in every shot, or the friction between the ball and a wheel being identical in every shot.  We did not rely on friction to add energy and there was a negligible possibility of friction subtracting energy.  We designed our ball rest in such a way that the ball leaves contact with the robot instantaneously with no rolling or sliding, thereby minimizing the randomizing role that friction would play.

 Figure 1: Entire firing mechanism with actuation 

This choice of launching mechanism introduced an important difficulty.  We immediately knew that the amount of torque it would take to pull back the spring would be large.  After evaluating many different options we decided on using an electric power drill to supply this torque.  This simplified the setup fairly considerably by providing enough raw torque to make any extra gear reduction unnecessary.  We simply made an arm with a shaft on it that the drill could grip that would pull back the spring until it caught in the latch.  The amount of power this provided was very large.  We started out with a stiffer spring that had dramatically more firing power, and the drill was still easily capable of pulling back this larger torque spring in a fraction of a second.
After testing with the power drill we needed to find a way to control it with the micro controller.  We originally had planned to try to drive it down and then back up, but found that the safety features on the device made it difficult to quickly switch directions.  The solution we found in the end was much more elegant anyway.  We connected the end of our loading arm to a spring which simply back drives the drill when it is not running.  The torque the drill provides is easily large enough to overcome this weak spring, and the instant it is turned off it gets neatly pulled back in to the starting position, out of the way of the launching spring.  This innovation allowed us to control the drill with a much simpler single relay setup.  We tied down the power switch on the drill and then used a simple relay to effectively plug and unplug its power cord every time we needed to cock the firing spring.

 Figure2: Latch that holds the ruler loaded

The two remaining components to the firing mechanism are the spring latch and ball feeding mechanism.  The spring latch was given a torsional spring that holds it up and allows the firing spring to click in to place.  We then actuated this latch with a servo connected by a string.  This way when the latch needed to pull away to allow the spring to click in it could do so without needing to wait for the servo to move out of the way.  figure 2.  This ended up to be a critical feature, because the servo moved much slower than we expected, and the power drill moved much faster than we expected.  The power drill draws a very large amount of current when it stalls at the end of its stroke, so waiting for the servo to move to its extremes might have been a long enough pause to actually burn out the motor in it.  

The ball feeding mechanism figure 3 consists of a simple gate that allows one ball to pass and roll in to the rest every time it rotates 90 degrees and back.  Above this gate was a tube that allowed all six balls to queue up.  At the top of the tube was a flat corral  area that funneled the balls into it (figure 4).  In order to proven the balls from jamming against each other and not feeding in to the tube a simple wheel was added at the height of the centers of the balls.  This wheel was placed so that any time two balls would have bumped in to each other to span the width of the funneling area and stopped the balls behind them from moving forward, one of them would be rotated back out of the way to the back of the line, allowing the others to move. 

 Figure3: Ball loading mechanism

The important feature of this technique was the direction the wheel rotates in.  Any attempt to push the balls forward would cause them to jam even tighter, but by pushing the jammed balls back uphill (where there was space for them to move) they would be moved easily.  This mechanism proved to be very capable, occasionally clearing jams involving 5 of the 6 balls.
Another area in which our strive for precision played a large role was in the design of our vertical and horizontal actuation.  Since we wanted to very carefully control our shooting power to be constant, we elected to simply rotate our shooting mechanism to point in the appropriate direction.  Since we were very particular about our accuracy, we decided that we wanted to have a precise measurement of the angle in both of these dimensions and feed this back to our micro controller for control.  For this reason we shied away from using servos or stepper motors for these dimensions.  We got an academic discount on some very nice 1024 positions per rotation absolute position encoders which we used in both our axes.  This meant that we would have an accuracy of around .3 degrees.  In the end one of these broke and we replaced it with a simple potentiometer.  We were surprised to see that this seemed to work just as well. 

 Figure4: Aluminum trough that loads balls and avoids ball clogs

To actuate these two axes we originally planned on using a horizontal timing belt and a vertical lead screw.  We replaced the timing belt with a bike chain early on because it was easier to source, and then ended up having chronic problems with it.  Keeping it properly tensioned was a constant ordeal.  In the end we replaced this with a four bar linkage between the drive motor and the thrust bearing that the whole platform was mounted on (figure 5).  For the vertical axis we discarded the lead screw due to speed concerns (as well as ease of sourcing) in favor of a simple spool and cable. Figure 6 The cable pulls on a bar that is tied to an axle on which the launching mechanism is mounted.

 Figure5: Picture showing the four bar linkage to actuate the turntable and a pot for position feedback

The final important decision necessary was what hardware to use for our vision system.  As discussed, one of the requirements was that no personal computers could be used for image processing.  Since we wanted to follow this rule we quickly narrowed our choices down to either the CMU cam or the Wiimote IR sensor.  These were the two options that would seem to work with the micro controller that we had decided to use and were already comfortable with (arduino).  Both of these options did the image processing on board.  The Wiimote sensor seemed to be more difficult to set up, requiring somewhat intense disassembly and resoldering, but seemed also to have better qualities.  In particular, the frame rate and resolution seemed to be much better on this device than the CMU cam.  The price was also much better, although we would have been much more likely to go with the CMU cam if we had known that we would get a steep discount on it.  By the time the pricing on the CMU cam was listed we were close enough to having the Wiimote sensor working that we decided not to make a change.  

 Figure6: Pitch actuation using a spool and some thread

Team Members and Responsibility 

Ben Strassmann - Camera and electronics hardware and software;
Nishant Kelkar -Wiring, ball management
Sahil Girish - Manufacturing and Design
Steven Christensen - Manufacturing and Design


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